International Day of Friendship is a day to appreciate and promote friendships from all backgrounds. Celebrated across the globe on July 30th, 2022, the day aims to bridge the gaps between factors such as race, language and culture. International Day of Friendship promotes the idea that fostering friendships between people, countries, culture and individuals can inspire peace and build bridges between those communities. Friendship requires empathy, compassion and concern for other people. By valuing and celebrating friendship, we foster these characteristics and adopt a more selfless and grateful outlook in life. Across communities, International Day of Friendship can help build and strengthen relationships in spite of differences in cultures. The day can help build a more kind a peaceful world, with implications that are wide and far-reaching. “We are all different” is a fantastic book that celebrates the things that make us all different. It feature a diversity of characters who describe their backgrounds, hobbies and more. Friendship is about understanding and acceptance, that is the two main qualities the day aims to promote. By celebrating diversity, we make a more friendly and empathetic environment for our children, where everyone feels comfortable being themselves. The ultimate message of that day is that we all are unique. Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division such as poverty, violence and human rights abuses among many others that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world’s people. To confront those crises and challenges, their root causes must be addressed by promoting and defending a shared spirit of human solidarity that takes many forms, the simplest of which is friendship. Through friendship by accumulating bonds of the world and developing strong ties of trust, we can contribute to the fundamental shifts that are urgently needed to achieve lasting stability, weave a safety net that will protect us all, and generate passion for a better world where all are united for a greater good. There are no set of rules on how to celebrate International Friendship Day. The beauty of all friendships, whether tried and tested or new and fresh, is that each one is unique from the last. This gives you and your best buddies a blank slate to do whatever you want to do, within reason, of course and celebrate it however you see fit and how to honour the memories you have made together. Taking a trip together to celebrate is an excellent way to make the day all about each other. You can visit places that mean something to you, whether that’s a beach, or home. The place and time do not matter in friendship, all that matters is the depth of your bond, how you hold hands in times of difficulty.
Kerala Academy of Pharmacy realises the importance of mental health. The significance of mental care was deeply studied during the covid pandemic, as everyone was locked in their houses. During this time, the only relief every one had was their friends and family. The covid pandemic brought many demerits to the economy, but the only merit was that we got time to get in touch with our friends, overcome tensions and depressions. We value such great friendships by celebrating such an auspicious day in our campus.